Agreements signed between the two countries: 

1- Agreement on Air Services between and beyond their Respective Territories;
2- Agreement on Investment promotion and protection (1992).
3- Agreement on Maritime Transport (1992)
4- Agreement on Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation (1992). 
5- Agreement on Post and Telecommunication Cooperation (1992)
6- Trade agreement (1992)
7- Agreement on Bilateral Payment between the State Bank of Vietnam and Bank Negara of Malaysia (1993).
8- Agreement on Science, Technology and Environment Cooperation   (1993).
9- Agreement on Tourism Cooperation (1994).
10- Agreement on Culture Cooperation (1995).
11- Agreement on Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income (1995).
12- Agreement on Youth and Sports Cooperation (1996).
13- Agreement on Visa exemption for Ordinary passports holders (2001).
14- Joint Declaration on the Framework for Comprehensive Co-operation in the 21st Century (April 2004).​

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